Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Bubble Dreams

There is always something that gives me grief when I embark on a new paper project. This time? The bubbles. >:(  I think I made it more stupidly difficult than it should have been, but when you only have a 40 minute window of time during which the baby naps, this process of finding the "best solution" takes eons!

End of rant. Other than those bubbles, Mercury has been the fastest yet! 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

MLP Parasprites!

I made these little critters to offer at Salt Lake City's Crystal Mountain Pony Con back in mid July, but was unable to attend. Ah, well. Maybe next year. ;)

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Fiery Soul

The next Sailor Moon character to join my paper lineup, sailor Mars! The compulsive part of me would now like to see all five of the inner scouts completed... so here it goes! Just Mercury and Jupiter left now!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Swingin' on Love

So how long ago did I start this project, and how long did it take for me to finally finish it? Ah, well, at least it got done, right? I love me some paper art! What an incredibly rewarding medium. Seriously, it allows illustrators to work with their hands and use their puzzle problem-solving powers.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Toothy New Year

Happy New Year! May it be filled with all the creative endeavors our little hearts can stand!

On a previous note, Christmas was sadly undercrafted. I had delusions of grandeur, and didn't consider how much time a short engagement wedding would consume -- especially one 4 days before Christmas. BUT! I was able to make a gift for my brother-in-law (whose name I drew out of the mystery hat this year). He's a pediatric dentist, if you couldn't guess, so I made him a healthy tooth and a cavity zombie tooth.

He later reported their success:  One of his patients needed to have some teeth pulled, and he notified the parents who then straight up told their little girl what needed to happen. She did what any child would do:  she freaked out. After a few attempts to calm her down, my brother-in-law then pulled out the two teeth plush toys I made, and let her hold them while she calmed down and underwent the procedure. Apparently, she clung to them with force. :) 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Oh, That Crazy Life

Much to my disappointment, I haven't had ANY time to put towards artistic endeavors. Instead, October, November, and December have been and will be ridiculously packed! I could list off everything I've been slammed with, but suffice it to say that I feel like this. ->  @_@

One of the things I've been swamped with is my dear friend's upcoming wedding. As the maid of honor, I've been tasked with a fair share of to-dos, but nothing has been more exhausting than making over 150 tissue paper pom pom flowers. With the help of the other bride's maids and my wonderful mother-in-law, I finished them off this morning -- but not before Kiki so graciously offered her assistance. Yes, kitty. I see you arm deep in that tissue paper.

Hopefully I will have more things to post after Christmas. In the meantime, here's a sneak peek of a project I was working on before the chaos whirlwind whisked me away:

(I hope I'll get a chance to finish it!)

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Conductor Venus

Marching to the beat of her own drum~a~lum!