Monday, July 30, 2012

Cloudy with a Chance of Love!

Whew! Talk about work! It took me three tries to get that cake right (mmmm...meringue)! And don't even get me started on those waffle cones! But I must say that it was worth it. I really love the stylized credit sequence at the end of this movie so I decided to implement it to the fullest! My only regret is that I couldn't fit in other characters, but that just begs the question..... round two? :)

I might add that this is my husband's absolute most favoritist animated movie in existence. It makes him giggle every time he watches it, which I find adorable.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Sneaky Treats

In an effort to update more often, here's a little sneak peak of what's in the works...

Friday, July 20, 2012


Can you tell that I'm working through all of the seasons with owls?  :)  Before I move on to summer, though, there's a really fun piece I have planned that needs to be completed before the 7th.

Here's Spring!

Theme:  Flowers
(This collection idea came to me after seeing one of Brittney Lee's pieces)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Epic Birthdays

As some of you know, my birthday is/was July 17th and it was incredibly epic!! Hello Kitty tiaras, balloon-popping madness, scavenger hunts, Texas sheet cake, scrumptious sushi, Mario Party 9, flowers, quirky love notes from my husband... can you FEEL the epic-ness of it all?? But the pinnacle of magic was THIS ONIGIRI-PILLOW-WITH-APPLE-RAG-DOLL-OF-EPIC!!! made by my incredibly talented seamstress of a sister. <3

Friday, July 13, 2012


 Okay... this medium is too much fun! Theme:  Seeking Solace

(This collection idea came to me after seeing one of Brittney Lee's pieces)